Founder and President
Dr. McElroy holds the undergrad degrees of B.S., Nuclear Engineering Technology and B.S., Organizational Management, in which he was honored as a Merit Scholar for academic excellence in the business management curriculum. He holds the graduate degrees of M.A., Organization Design and Effectiveness and M.A., Human and Organizational Systems. Dr. McElroy completed his doctoral work with research in executive development, specifically measuring the intellectual behavior of developed hierarchical stages of complex reasoning. Dr. McElroy is a former business owner and has extensive experience consulting to profit and non-profit organizations, including wide experience in American electric utilities, commercial nuclear power, and the biomedical industry (America’s blood banks).
View Richard McElroy, PhD's LinkedIn profile View Richard McElroy, PhD's profile

The Scholar-Practitioner
AIOE conducts "real-world" research (versus that designed for the academic community), designed to address current business problems. This research, coupled with proven consulting and training expertise provides an extensive repertoire for improvement interventions. Adopting in the client engagement a philosophy of facilitating organizational learning (coincident with operational improvement), the AIOE strategic improvement and change intervention leads to expanded employee skills, a proactive and collegial atmosphere of continuous improvement, and a more responsive and competitive – effective – organization.

As a university professor Dr. McElroy teaches:
  • Business and Technology
  • Debate and Critical Thinking
  • Human Resource Management
  • Leadership and Organizational Behavior
  • Managerial Decision Making
  • Managing Quality
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Change
  • Principles of Management
  • Strategic Staffing
  • Strategic Planning
  • Training and Development